Recent poetry
(…) casi de manera casual, como ocurren los mejores placeres, un día encontramos un libro donde el lenguaje se comporta como un ser vivo.”
[“(…) almost by accident, like the best pleasures, one day we find a book where the language moves like a living creature.”]
—Miguel Ángel Pozo Montaño.

“An extremely timely and compelling study of Cuba and Catalonia, Jerez Columbié’s book casts this rich and underappreciated intellectual relationship in new light via the notion of the counterpoint. Through insightful readings that acknowledge her own positionality, the author builds a multifaceted argument that advances novel ways of understanding both identity formation and cultural community. This book is required reading for scholars of the Caribbean and modern Spain and Catalonia.”
—Prof. Robert Davidson, University of Toronto, Canada

Edited volume
“The global agreements of Paris, Sendai, and Agenda 2030 have created an opportunity to build coherence between interrelated policy agendas which have the potential to help identify and reduce systemic risks, promote sustainable development, and successfully adapt to the impacts of a changing climate. This excellent text recognises that efforts towards improvingdevelopment outcomes must work in concert with strategies which promote planetary health and support the transition to a sustainable and climate-resilient future. This book provides insights and clear examples of how best to work towards this goal.”
—Rt Hon Helen Clark, Patron, The Helen Clark Foundation, Auckland, New Zealand

“El sello de Yairen es el de la delicadeza que golpea fuerte.”
—Altavoz Cultural
This poetry book was published through a Trinity College Dublin Trust Grant.