Recent Invitations
2025 ‘Exploring home, community and belonging through hurricane culture,’ Departmental Languages, Cultures and Film Research Seminar Series, University of Liverpool, 11 March.
2023 ‘Writing Nature, Remembering Heaney’, award-winning Trinity writers Sean Hewitt and Yairen Jerez Columbié join the Trinity Long Room Hub’s Rooney Writer Fellow Nidhi Zak, Arts and Humanities Festival, Trinity College Dublin.
2023 ‘Hurricane Culture: decolonising environmental knowledge-making in the Atlantic.’ The Northrop Frye Centre at Victoria College and Centre for Caribbean Studies, University of Toronto, 15 September.
2023 Reading with Majed Mujed and Annemarie Ní Churreáin at the Dublin Book Festival, Dublin Castle and Cervantes Institute, 12 November.
2022 Reading with Catherine Foley and 2019 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry Forrest Gander, at the Winter Warmer Poetry Festival Ó Bhéal, Cork, 25 November.
2022 Roundtable ‘Behind the Headlines. Waste Lands: Imagining Climate Catastrophe,’ moderated by Prof. Eve Patten, Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin, 10 November.
Selected Conference Papers
2024 ‘Translatory Movements in the Sky and on the Page: Interrogating Catalan-Cuban Contributions to Hurricane Culture,’ LXIX Anglo-Catalan Society Conference, University of Strathclyde and University of Glasgow, 8–10 November.
2024 ‘Hurricane Culture: For an Eco-Poetics of Relations in the Atlantic Belt,’ Radical Humanities Conference, UCC, 8–9 May.
2024 ‘Indigenous Eco-Poetic Cartographies and Translations in the Hurricane Belt.’ Symposium ‘Uncharted Territories: Contemporary Eco-poetics in/and Translation,’ UCC, 1–2 February.
2023 ‘An Atlantic eco-poetics of relations: Latin American and Caribbean Studies in support of the decolonisation of interdisciplinary environmental research in Ireland,’ Society of Irish and Latin American Studies Conference, National University of Ireland Galway, 22 June.
2022 ‘Hurricane Culture: Interrogating and decolonising climate resilience through Caribbean knowledge and practices’; Conference Deconstructing Disaster, Reconsidering Relief: Coping with Catastrophe Past and Present in Latin America and the Caribbean; Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies; School of Advanced Study; University of London, 20 October.
2021 ‘Green Hispanisms and the decolonisation of environmental studies,’ Green Hispanisms Conference, Swansea University, 7 July.
2021 ‘Climate empowerment and participation in Ireland: lessons learned from the National Dialogue on Climate Action,’ Environ 2021, UCC (with Mr. Padraig Hogan, Dr. Marguerite Nyhan and Dr. Barry O’Dwyer), 17 June.
2019 ‘Marvelous real ecologies: uses of coral reefs in written representations of Caribbean socioecological systems,’ Planet Ocean Interdisciplinary Workshop, Dublin City University, 21 September.
2019 ‘Facing climate change in Cuba, Puerto Rico and Ireland through hurricane culture,’ Society of Irish and Latin American Studies Conference 2019 Comparisons, Conflicts, and Connections: Ireland and Latin America in the Past, Present, and Future, Trinity College Dublin, 23–26 April.
2018 ‘Fernando Ortiz’s counterpoint: between the idea of rhizomatic transcultural identities and narratives of national identities,’ Conference Colóquio Internacional Os Estudos Ibéricos a Partir da Periferia, Universidade de Lisboa, 8–9 March.
2018 ‘Languages, transculturation and performance in the Jocs Florals of Havana,’ Conference (Dis)articulating Identities: Multilingualism in the Catalan Countries, MEITS AHRC project, University of Cambridge, 19–20 January.
2016 ‘Language, identity and ideology in Josep Conangla’s Cuban Catalanism,’ Annual Anglo-Catalan Society Conference, University of Leeds, 11–13 November.
2016 ‘The Other Senses, a Caribbean version of Maragall’s poetics,’ Conference Re-encountering the Canon: Literary Translation and Contemporary Iberia, UCC, 23–24 September.
2016 ‘Sketches of Black People in the Catalan-Cuban journal La Nova Catalunya,’ Conference Line, Word and Gesture: Visualising Thinking in the Hispanic World, University of Birmingham, 15–16 September.